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Frangible Glide Path Mast

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ERCON Glide Path Masts have been developed to comply with the ICAO annex 14 Volume-I, for safe and precise aircraft landing and the most recent Frangibility stipulations Detailed in ICAO Aerodrome Design Manual Part6.

All ERCON Glide Path Masts are manufactured from glass fiber & special Polymeric Resin, Coated with a UV resistance PU coat that can be colored to any aviation specification. Each pole has a unique Frangibility by design and material construction system incorporated within the main mast which will break under the impact of an aircraft.

The Glide Path Antenna is attached to the mast by mean of a light weight mounting frame and can move in horizontal and vertical direction within standard range for antenna adjustment.


Maintenance free mast
UV resistance PU coat finish
Corrosion free
Temperature/Weather resistance
No electromagnetic interference
Full Scale Frangibility tested as per ICAO Part6 Frangibility, Aerodrome Design Manual.
Frangible Glide Path Mast
Glide Path Masts have been developed to comply with the ICAO annex 14 Volume-I, for safe and precise aircraft landing

All Glide Path Mast are manufactured to meet ICAO requirement for size, material and color. Client Specific colors can be provided and all colors used are designed to give maximum contrast with their background.
Standard Mast Height is 15 to18 meters available 16.5 to 18 meters is also available.
COLOR (Standards)
Red & White (other color as per requirement can be supplied)

The maximum deflection of mast structure is below 140 mm at wind speed of 140km/hr.
The Mast structure survives at wind speed of 210km/hr
No permanent deformation of Mast structures as a result of Wind Load.
Full Scale test certificates and video available on request.

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